Wednesday, 23 November 2011

hyperRitual and the Electric Wizard

Joshua Madara is an electric wizard who manifests technomagical artefacts and rituals by merging together archane practices and creative technologies (eg. arduino, kinect). I spoke to him today after a friend told me about his work in Seattle, and the alignments with my own philosophies and practices.

What I found interesting was his passion for cybernetics, and the creative ways in which he links these ideas with magical practice. Essentially his work marries archane with modern day technology.

Joshua has had a lifelong interest in magic but only in the last decade or so, partly inspired by the work of William Burroughs (literary figure and chaos magic practitioner), he has merged his practice with his skills in electronics and programming. 

Joshua works across the spectrum from classical rituals, to small magical/techo experiments to large scale multimedia hyper ritualistic experiences but because his work is not traditional enough for many pagans, and far too esoteric for programmers, he carves out his practice in the fringes.  His blog is extremely interesting and he has a couple of good articles on his site that are a good read. Take a look.

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