Wednesday, 15 October 2008

the return

Landed back in Aotearoa after a long flight from Beijing. The Dialogue on Art, Culture and Climate Change was wonderful. I spent two days facilitating a wonderful group of artists, scientists and cultural facilitators who are doing extremely interesting projects around the globe. I strongly recommend look at the following link to the participant bios as there may be some interesting connections for you to make to your own practice, and some great people to network with...

I worked with the group on the weekend using techniques ideas from World Cafe

and Open Space Technology

weaved into the archetypal themes of Food, Shelter, Clothing and Mobility.
Collaboration and connection definately resulted, as well as a lot of good learning around what we could do differently next time to improve the sustainable conference model:-)

The experience reemphasised for me how important it is to learn and exchange across professional and cultural boundaries in order to best deal with global natural resource and climate change issues. Given the rush to cooperate over the global credit crisis it seems vital that we mobilise this same sense of urgency and importance around the issue of climate change..if we can do it for the banking system, then we can certainly do it for the eco-system!

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